How a Neoceram solution made for the efficient cutting of fibrous fruit and vegetables.

COMPANY PROFILE : Our Customer is one of the leading food companies in the frozen foods segment, producing ready to eat meals, fish, vegetables and spinach. Their products are sold across the European continent.
Seeking to reduce loss and waste along the production chain.
CONTEXT : They had great difficulty in cutting fibrous food cleanly. Fibres, not properly cut, can lead to problems in sealing the container. Once boiled, spinach is very difficult to cut due to the presence of very fine fibres. Plunger valves are used for filling the spinach into containers and being so fine the fibres lodge themselves in the gap between the piston and the cylinder. The clearances necessary with stainless steel plunger valves mean that the fibres are very often not cut.
It can be very difficult to cut fibrous food cleanly.
CHALLENGE : Fibres, not properly cut, can lead to problems in sealing the container. This led to significant losses for the famous producer of frozen spinach who came to Neoceram for help.
Ceramic plunger valves instead of stainless steel components.
SOLUTION : Neoceram installed ceramic plunger valves instead of stainless steel components on the existing filling machine. Thanks to the specific material properties of our high-density ceramic plunger valves plus the extremely small gap between the piston and cylinder, all fibres are now cleanly cut.
RESULT : The result of this is that all containers are properly sealed completely eradicating the losses. Maintenance is reduced to a minimum and operating margins are therefore substantially improved. On a product presenting a small margin only, it is vital to cut the losses.
Neoceram is renowned for the quality of its products but also for its services.